
What Do You Know about Topwater Bass Fishing?

   People who like bass fishing often regard the top water bass fishing as the most visual and powerful kind of fishing. This kind of fishing uses the top water fishing lures (which can float above the surface of the shallow water) to catch the fish. 

 topwater bass fishing

 1. Why should we use the top water fishing lures?
 A Topwater fishing lure is a type of fishing lure, usually floating, that may be moved about the surface of water and fish come up from underneath and do their best to give you a heart attack! That’s often because fish hitting a topwater are doing more than just picking up dinner, they’re trying to kill that bug, frog, rodent or fish that’s struggling on top.

 topwater lure

2. The steps before topwater bass fishing
   Check the weather: In my opinion, no matter what kind of outdoor activity you want to join, the first thing is checking the weather. And the weather condition can often affect the result of the fishing.
   Choose the topwater fishing lures: This is the most important part, if you can’t choose an appropriate fishing lure, it will be hard to catch any fish. The most common topwater fishing lures are: Poppers, Buzzbaits and Surface lures. You can see many articles about how to choose the best topwater lures on the internet.

 3. The skills of topwater fishing
    With more and more people develop an interest in topwater bass fishing, they begin to share their experiences with others, and we have summarized some useful tips for you.

   1)Choose the appropriable time: Topwater fishing is best during the post-spawn, late spring season and into the fall months. After spawning, the fish are sluggish, starving and looking for food. In the summer time, the bass' metabolism has kicked into high gear and will provide a fun retrieval challenge. In autumn, the water temperatures are still warm enough to keep the bass biting. 

   2)Choose other suitable fishing tackles: Use high-quality fishing hooks on all of your baits. Chemically sharpened is the way to go. And remember that super fishing line and topwaters make an excellent team. These no stretch lines allow for easier hook sets, especially on long casts.

   3)Know all kinds of fishing lures well: Learn to proficiently use all types of topwater lures. This will allow you to cover all of the bases when out on the water.

   4)Shake your tail feather: Why fish can be attracted by the topwater lures? Because they look like alive. How to make your fishing lures look like alive? It depends on how people move them. Many topwater lures today come out of the package with tail feathers on them. The draw is that while your bait is sitting motionless on the surface, the feather or dressing is moving ever so slightly from the current in the water from wind and waves. It lets the fish know it’s alive.

   5)Pay attention to the hook: One of the biggest challenges anglers face in top water fishing is the hook. The excitement of seeing the bass about to bite will cause many to jump the gun. Once you feel the bass on your line, take a deep breath and wait until you feel the pull of its weight. Snap your wrist to set the hook, and then reel your fish in!

   Topwater bass fishing is not only fun but can yield decent catch numbers. Whether in a boat or onshore, top water fishing is both challenging and fun. I hope you can enjoy it. 

