Fishing at the appropriate time is crucial if you want to get a good result. Even you have the best fishing tackles and fishing spot, bad time will let them become useless. Experienced fishermen always know to fish at the right time. There are many factors should be taken into consideration if you want to find a better time.
1. The seasons
As we all know, different seasons should use different skills when fishing. When you want to have a trip of fishing, you’d better know some skills of how to fish in this season.
Spring – If you want to catch fish in the spring, you will have better luck later in the season, and later in the day, when things get a little warmer. Fish are biting off and on in the late morning and early afternoon because rays begin to penetrate the water and warm the water up.
And fish are eating a lot in the afternoon and early evening, because their metabolism and digestion are cranked. Water is warm because the sun is directly overhead.
Summer – This is a good season for fishing if you avoid the hottest times of the day. The fish will be biting well just before sunup and just after sundown when food is abundant.
In the late morning and early afternoon, fishing is poor for most of the day, because the fish move to deep water to cool off.
Fall – This can be an inconsistent time, but when the fishing is good, it is really good. They will likely not bite much in the morning and early afternoon. Toward the end of the day, however, the water will be warm from hours of sunlight, and the fish will be driven to eat more than usual because of the impending food shortage that winter brings. Dusk is therefore an excellent time for fishing.
Winter – For obvious reasons, not the best time for fishing. Unless you are ice fishing, which is a different thing entirely, you should leave your fishing rod in storage during this season.
2. The weather
When it comes to the weather, you should take several factors into consideration: the wind, storms and the rain. And these factors have different impacts for fishing.
The wind –Wind can play a large role in when to fish and your fishing success. Wind pushes surface water toward the far shore, and small prey fish with it, luring game fish. This makes windy days a good time for fishing.
The storm–Storms affect fishing success since fish are keenly attuned to changes in barometric conditions. With many fish, feeding increases during the hours immediately before a cold front, but slows during and after a storm or front hits.
The rain–For fishermen, rain can be your friend, but can also be your enemy. If the rain is light, especially a warm spring or summer rain, you can prepare to enjoy an excellent fishing trip. Because the light rain can blurs the water surface, making it harder for the fish to see you. It also washes lots of insects into the water, making it a prime time for fish to eat.
But if it is heavy rain, I suggest you not to go fishing. On the one hand, heavy rains may bring some potential risks for you. On the other hand, heavy rain muddies the water, makes it difficult for fish to find bait or fishing lures.
You also need pay attention to many other factors if you want to choose the right time, let’s talk about it next time.